Are you looking forward to a big, fat income tax refund when you file your IRS return? Maybe you already have it spent. Imagine your surprise when you get a notice of Tax Refund Offset. Can the government take your refund? Many people are surprised to learn of a number of debts for which the Treasury Department can offset (reduce) a tax refund or other federal payments. In … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2014
HARP Refinance Program – Help If Your Mortgage Is Underwater
You still have time to take advantage of the HARP Refinance Program. HARP has been extended until December 31, 2015. You might benefit this type of mortgage refinance if your property is upside down (you owe more on your home than it is currently worth) or has significantly decreased in value. UPDATE: The deadline was extended again! Announcement on the … [Read more...]
Stop Foreclosure With Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure
If you've never heard of it, you may wonder "what is a deed in lieu of foreclosure?" And "how could it stop foreclosure?" What is this type of stop-foreclosure deed? Often referred to as "deed in lieu," a borrower will use this document to stop foreclosure proceedings. It conveys back to the lender all of the borrower's interest in the property that was used as collateral in … [Read more...]
Home Refinance – Consider The Costs
Home refinance fees generally run between 3% and 6% of the outstanding principal. This varies between states and from lender to lender. Add the differences in equity, credit scores, and personal banking relationships. It becomes impossible to predict exactly what you will have to pay for your home mortgage refinance. One thing is certain - you must consider the costs of … [Read more...]