Thank you for visiting. We hope you will find useful information on the website.
Please be aware that we are not lawyers, accountants or other licensed financial experts. To the best of our knowledge, the information presented represents the best and most accurate research we can discover but you should always consult your own financial or legal adviser before making an important decision.
There is so much to know just to stay alive today, much less thrive. None of us can know everything we must know to cope with the financial challenges and pitfalls we face. We have to pool our resources, share our knowledge.
The team of contributors to Finance and Taxes comprises researchers who believe that each individual has the right to information that empowers him or her to receive the best lifestyle, products and procedures available to support the highest level of financial security and wellness possible.
The Finance and Taxes team aims to bring its readers the most relevant and pertinent information available to help navigate the debt highway that often entraps those who buy a house, a car, those who need to finance a business or pay for college and household expenses.
In other words, how to manage the cost of life and living instead of letting debt manage us. Thank you again for reading,
The Finance & Taxes Team